อ่างน้ำควบคุมอุณหภูมิ Waterbath Luada

The LAUDA Hydro product line includes six water baths and two water baths with circulation function. They are made of high-quality stainless steel and provide the right bath depth and opening for every application with bath volumes from 4 to 41 liters. All water baths have a temperature range of up to 100°C with a temperature stability of ±0.1 K, which also permits applications in the boiling temperature range. A TFT color display ensures intuitive operation with a temperature display in °C and °F.

อ่างน้ำควบคุมอุณหภูมิ Waterbath LAUDA

  • AL12 LAUDA อ่างน้ำควบคุมอุณหภูมิ waterbath
    0.00 THB
    0.00 THB
  • AL18 LAUDA อ่างน้ำควบคุมอุณหภูมิ waterbath
    0.00 THB
  • AL5 LAUDA อ่างน้ำควบคุมอุณหภูมิ waterbath
    0.00 THB
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